Blog di trucco e fascino Blog lunedì sondaggio, vol. 281


Potresti chiederti, “quindi cosa diavolo è comunque questa cosa?”


Well, it isn’t much of a poll. It’s much more just a continuously evolving (devolving?), somewhat random list of questions I’ve been putting out to readers every Monday morning for the past four years. Ho sempre lieto di leggere le tue risposte nei commenti, e spero che tu viva per leggere il mio.

What was the highlight of your weekend?
Honestly, the whole weekend was a highlight. It’s been ages because I’ve gone on a trip with my good friend Cindy (probably seven or eight years!), and it was good spending so much time with her. It was also refreshing to be able to spend long, uninterrupted stretches of time at the beach, and then by a pool, time to just sit and “be” with my thoughts. I’m still a little tired, because Cindy’s a snorer and we shared rooms (sorry, girl, but you are!), but I’m happy, and that’s the best.

When was the last time you taught someone something?
Last Saturday afternoon. I was hanging out at hotel La Jolla’s saltwater pool and got roped into playing a game of water horse basketball with a couple of random guys. We got to talking about what we all do, and I discussed that I wrote about makeup and beauty. Those poor, poor dudes probably learned much more than they bargained for about guy-liner, mint accessories, braids and big brows.


Do you ever download apps to your phone? favorite ones?
Sometimes, but not often. mostly blogging apps, like the official WordPress for iOS app, which is great for writing messages from beaches and pools, and social networking apps for Instagram. Oh, and the Nordstrom and Cat-O-Matic apps.

What do you do when you feel overwhelmed?
If I’m in a position where I can cry…that’s typically what I do first. For me, shedding a few quick tears typically helps with the emotional release, and then I start making lists, like a list of everything I need/want to get done. If I’m somewhere I don’t want to cry (like, surrounded by strangers), then I’ll try to find a quiet place for a few minutes to slow down my breathing and gather myself. then I’ll write my list.

Do the men (or women) in your life use moisturizer and sunscreen?
El Hub is notorious for refusing to go along with the moisturizing and sunscreen agenda I’ve set for him.

What ought to you do next/after this?
Allenarsi. I haven’t gone running or done anything cardio (I don’t think surfing the way I do it really counts) because last week, and I’ve got to get my wiggles out.

Which makeup video or tutorial has been the most helpful one in the world for you?
I can’t think of just one best now, but I always learn new things from the beautiful Lisa Eldridge and the Pixiwoo gals… I adore their accents. Plus, they seem like they’d be cool to hang out with.

Overalls and dungarees? Yea or nay?

Do you ever wear metallic eyeshadow? favorite ways?
Oh, di sicuro. With high-shine metallics, I think a little goes a long way. I pat ’em on my lids, and swipe along my lower lash line. For contrast, I’ll sweep a matte or satin into my crease.

What’s one nail art design you’ve wanted to/would try?
My friend Keri B. over at nail Art Junkie recently did a really cool ikat leopard print design that I absolutely love. cat lady says WHAT!

Le List

1. What was the highlight of your weekend?
2. When was the last time you taught someone something?
3. Do you ever download apps to your phone? favorite ones?
4. What do you do when you feel overwhelmed?
5. Do the men (or women) in your life use moisturizer and sunscreen?
6. What ought to you do next/after this?
7. Which makeup video or tutorial has been the most helpful one in the world for you?
8. Overalls and dungarees? Yea or nay?
9. Do you ever wear metallic eyeshadow? favorite ways?
10. What’s one nail art design you’ve wanted to/would try?

Il tuo amichevole avvincente di Charm,


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